Lucy Wyatt - Approaching Chaos

Lucy Wyatt - Approaching Chaos

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Subtitle: Lucy Wyatt - Approaching Chaos
Summary: Independent researcher Lucy Wyatt discussed her journey discovering the origins of civilizations and cities. We've been told that ancient civilizations were agricultural communities, yet evidence shows that cities were more prevalent then farms back then, she reported. Wyatt also talked about the building of ancient stone structures like the pyramids, and the role shamans may have played in their construction. Lucy Wyatt and family live on an unspoilt farm by the east coast of England. The farm was derelict but had 600 year-old oak trees, woods, hedgerows and old buildings. It was a chance to explore living in harmony with Nature. The Wyatts restored it using mostly eco-materials and now share this special place with many animals (horses, cattle, pigs, chickens, dogs, cats). The experiment includes the collection of rainwater for animal drinking; a 3-pond sewage system with Steiner-inspired flowforms; and a processor that uses Oil Seed Rape for high grade bio-fuel in farm machinery and a large electricity generator. Apart from a grandfather who gave Lucy her love of horses, her family were not farmers. She grew up in the University town of Cambridge where her father was an architect (now in his 80s, he drew the illustrations in her book). Lucy, however, studied International Relations and Italian at Sussex University, aiming to work in Europe but instead ended up in London at Conran Group, and followed that with editing a magazine for a City of London stockbroker firm where she met her husband. They moved to the countryside after their first daughter was born. As well as researching the ancient past, Lucy is also interested in Earth energies and now leads local Gatekeeper Trust pilgrimages on equinoxes and solstices.
Author: themooreshow; Category: Talk Radio; Explicit: No

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